Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ALMOST too sad to joke

Poor poor girl. I almost can't make fun because it's so phenomenally sad.
A crack is just a moment in time. A mere slip up if you will. You sat too fast and forgot to hike your pants up and oops what do you know but your crack slipped out. It's forgivable and momentary and easy to joke about but this girl. This flat fugly bum is such a bummer. She was just given one of the worst butts possible. A dwarf probably has a more attractive back end, seriously.
I really think this pic needs no explanation at all. Just take it all in... The skinny legs, tied shirt in the back as if to give some semblance of figure to this hot dog body. This picture makes me thankful for my figure and my 10 extra lbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How in the world does someone get a butt like that? That is indeed sad.